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Download Attachments

  • xls Kinematic
    Description: Kinematic.xls is a spreadsheet that calculates the Time of Concentration tc of a certain catchment using the Kinematic Equation in accordance with section 14.11 of the Australian Rain Fall Intensity. After determining tc and i, Peak Flows Q5, Q 10, Q 20, & Q100 are determined for a certain cross section.
    File size: 18 KB Downloads: 1618
  • xls Absorption
    Description: Absorption.xls Is a spread sheet that determines the adequacy of an absorption trench servicing a development site as per Rockdale and Kogarah Councils’ Storm water Management plans. The adequacy of the absorption system is confirmed when the Total Volume retained shown in cell [D8] is equal or larger than the required storage for any storm as determined in cells [F 11] through [F22].
    File size: 17 KB Downloads: 2096
  • xls Footing
    Description: Footing.xls is a spreadsheet that calculates the width, depth, and reinforcement for an isolated footing under design Loads and Moments.
    File size: 150 KB Downloads: 2806
  • zip civlt11s
    Description: CivilTools This is one of the best Civil programs available on the net, 1. Download and unzip the attached file into a temporary directory 2. Run Setup95.exe.
    File size: 1 MB Downloads: 1992
  • xls TwoWaySlab
    Description: TwoWaySlab.xls is a spreadsheet that determines the reinforcement in a two way slab under designed Dead & life loads as per.
    File size: 329 KB Downloads: 2422
  • xls Upper-Parramatta
    Description: Upper-Parramatta.xls is a spreadsheet that calculates the detention volume, discharge, and orifice for a certain development in the Upper Parramatta Catchment plan. (Parramatta Council, Blacktown Council & Horror-oid Council).
    File size: 17 KB Downloads: 1812
  • pdf Roof-Drainage
    Description: Roof-Drainage.pdf is a chapter prepared by Lysaght Roofing Solutions on how to calculate Gutters (locations, cross-sectional areas, and gradients), and down pipes ( locations & Sizes) for a certain roof catchment in accordance with AS 3500.3 1998).
    File size: 74 KB Downloads: 3637